9034 W 88th Ave, Westminster CO 80005
Physical Address:
9034 W 88th Ave, Westminster CO 80005
Mailing Address:
11051 Huron St Unit 502 Northglenn, CO 80234
Open to anyone because it's never too early to save a life! Please reserve your spot by filling out this form. If you have more than one in your group, please have everyone fill out a form for themselves.
Do you want to get your certification?
That's $25 paid to the instructor.
Do you need BLS Training?
That's $35 paid to the instructor. She accepts cash and credit cards (through PayPal) If you have any questions, please email our Programs Director at
*This class qualifies for requalification for Santa Shop, Back to School Supply Drive, Holiday Dinners, and Easter Baskets for all past recipients.
Physical Address:
9034 W 88th Ave, Westminster CO 80005
Mailing Address:
11051 Huron St Unit 502
Northglenn, CO 80234
Business Hours:
Monday-Friday: 10am-4pm
All Rights Reserved | Joyful Journeys Community Enrichment